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Christopher & Lorraine moppett

Chris and Lorraine Moppett are Dover residents and have been involved with Dover Community Association for 37 years. They have volunteered their time, skill and passion to keep the Community Association relevant in these evolving times.

Speaking of Lorraine, a nurse by profession, she is very welcoming and inclusive of all regardless of where people come from. She has been a strong advocate in opening up Community Association space for services and programs to serve ethno-cultural communities. She is involved in most of the Communications/ Document Development/Grant and funding Applications and Partnerships with other agencies. She started the first Multicultural Committee at DCA, about 25 years ago, apparently the first one in the city for CAs. Her broader understanding on social issues and political affairs has been tremendously helpful in supporting residents from diverse backgrounds. Whenever she hears about a particular person in distress, she immediately reaches out them offering support. In addition to this, she connects the person with any other resources available in the community. Lorraine's openness to explore and experiment new ideas in the community to engage residents from all walks of life has been an asset to work with. Lorraine firmly believes that finance should not be a barrier for ethno-cultural groups to run their programs. That open-mindedness has been instrumental in opening up CA space for many events and groups from Greater Forest Lawn.  She has also been open to experiment with different ideas to engage residents from various backgrounds. That didn’t stop even during Covid-19 as we collectively tried and explored different ways to support the community.

Speaking of Chris, a man of few words and great actions, was an instructor at SAIT.  He has been volunteering his time and skills to take care of varying needs of Dover CA. His skills with tools and equipment, and his commitment to share them for Dover CA have saved thousands of dollarsJ. Chris’ contribution in maintaining the ice-rink and in organizing various events have been very helpful for the community of Dover. He started with coaching soccer, tball and then fastball for many years. He also published the Dover to Your Door newsletter for five years. He has been the Facility maintenance manager for about 25 years to present and bar manager for about 10, started and managed CA’S first website for 15years. He also makes all the event posters. In short, his contribution to the community of Dover through Dover CA has been a multi-faceted one.

Here is to Chris and Lorraine Moppett!

I also want to take this opportunity to share that, personally for my work in Dover as a Community Social Worker, your warmth and caring approach meant a lot. So, big thank you!

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